Working Out Your Constitution


To find out your Ayurvedic constitution ('prakuti') please fill in the questionnaire that best describes you.

This questionnaire is a guide to give you to an idea of what your constitution may be by nature ('prakruti')and what it may be at present('vakriti').

Answer the questions with someone who has known you for a long time to work out your life constitution. Answer thinking how you have been throughout your life. Our life constitution has been determined at conception and this cannot change. Our present health balance (or imbalance) can be determinded by answering how your health is at present. This can be changed.

After answering the questions press submit to work out your predominant constitution or dosha. Most people have a combination of 'prakruti'. That indicates that you will possess a mixture of the qualities in the two 'prakruti'. It is unusual to have a tridoshic (all three) constitution. To remain healthy and prevent imbalance of doshas one should select a diet, living style and herbs according to one's constitution.You may have a combination of two doshas- remember that we all have all the doshas in us.

This questionnaire is not a diagnosis but gives you some idea about your Ayurvedic constitution. For a more accurate diagnosis please visit a practitioner. Contact us for a list of practitoners near you.

  What is your Body Structure?
   Short, Thin, Weak
   Medium, Fleshy, Plump, Delicate
    Well proportioned, perfect, well-built

  What is your Body Frame?
   Lean, Short
   Medium, Plump
    Large, well-built

  What is your hair type: Body hair, beard or moustache?
   Scanty, Dry, Splitting
   Scanty, Soft, Brown coloured, Tendency to grey hair and baldness
   Plentiful, Wavy, Glossy, Does not fall or grey prematurely

  What is your skin like?
   Dry, Cracking, Rough
   Oily, Soft with Moles, Pimples, Freckles, Marks and blackheads, Reddish fair
   Glossy, Clear, Smooth, Glorious, Fair, Pinkish

  What are your nails like?
   Small, Blackish, Cracking, Breaking
   Small, Reddish, Smooth, Flat
    Big, Pinkish, Smooth, Glossy, Convex

  What are your lips like?
   Blackish, Cracking, Shapeless
   Reddish, Smooth, Thick, Soft
    Pinkish, Smooth, Glossy, Proportionate

  What are your teeth like?
   Very Small or Very Big, Cracking, Broken, Irregular
   Medium Size with gaps
    Even, Glazing, Straight, Smooth, Shiny White

  What are your eyes like?
   White Part - Blackish, Unsteady eyes, Habit of raising eyebrows
   White Part: Reddish, Brown eyes, Sharp eyesight
    White Part - Milky White, Edges Reddish, Calm, Soft, Gentle Look

  What is your normal body temperature?
   Less than Normal, Palms and Feet are cold
   More than Normal, Palms, Feet, Face and Forehead are Hot
    Normal, Palms and Feet are slightly cold

  What are your joints like?
   Protuberant, Cracking, Unsteady
   Loose, Moderately Hidden
    Strong, Well Knit, Firm, Compact, Well Hidden

  What are your Movements like?
   Unsteady, like to wander here and there, habit of moving hands, legs and shoulders
    Slow, Steady

  What is your voice like?
   Rough, Hoarse, Weak, Dry
   Clear, Loud
    Deep, Pleasant, Soft, Charming

  How do you talk?
   Very talkative, fast
   Talkative, impressive speaker, good at arguments
    Slow, Soft, Steady, Firm but talks little.

  How much do you sweat?
    Very easily and a lot, the body emits the foul smell of sweat

  What is your appetite/ thirst like?
   Unpredictable, likes to eat fast.
   Good, has to eat after three to four hours, cannot tolerate hunger/thirst
    Comparatively less, can tolerate hunger/ thirst easily

  What is the quantity of food and drinks that you consume?
   Not fixed, can vary
   Comparatively more
    Comparatively less

  What sort of food do you prefer?
   Hot and Wet
   Cold or warm
    Hot and Dry

  What are your stools like?
   Blackish, hard, once in a day
   Yellowish, Loose, once/twice a day
    Yellowish, well formed, once in a day

  What is your sleep like?
   Less than six hours interrupted
   Six to eight hours, sound
    Eight hours or more, sound

  What is your work strength?
   Gets tired after small amount of work
    Good after doing large amount of work does not feel tired

  How do you work?
   Fast, in hurry
   Medium fast
   Steady, slow

  What are your sexual desire and strength?

  What is your grasping power?
   Sometimes grasps quickly, sometimes grasps late.
   Always grasps quickly and neatly, very clever, genius
   Always grasps late but understands best.

  What is your Nature?
   Jealous, timid, starts any work hastily sometimes aimlessly
   Short tempered, forgiving, self respecting, fearless, brave, very clever, good at decision making
   Grateful, brave, patient, not greedy, strong, calm, quiet, soft, withstanding physical and mental exertion, sharp memory, stable, thoughtful, generous, starts any work steadily and slowly

  How do you tackle any problem?
   Worrying constantly, cannot take one fixed stable decision
   Can take right, firm decision quickly, good at decision making
    Can take right and firm decision with calm and stable mind but takes time.

  Which are the things you cannot tolerate?
   Heat, anger, physical and mental exertion, hunger, thirst, and physical urges
   Can tolerate cold, heat, anger, exertion, physical urges, hunger, thirst, everything